Monday, November 25, 2013

If I were not a child of God, and a joint heir with Jesus Christ, I don't know who I would be right now.  I am going to have to reinvent the rest of myself.  I was my father's daughter, and then I was Ken's wife.   Now, I am on the first day of the rest of my life.

The service was unbelievable.  A tribute to his life.  Marine guards standing at attention, then the folding of the flag with a presentation to me, a brilliant sermon from a young man that Ken had led to the Lord.  "Eternal Father Strong to Save" sung by the Marine Corps choir.  A full auditorium.  Then a fly over of planes-actually a recording of Corsairs returning from a mission.  And Ken.  In full Mess Dress.  Dark blue, red, with gold braid medals and wings.  Lt. Col. E. Ken Jacks.  Looking exactly like the commanding officer of a fighter squadron--which he was.  Three times.  If you get one squadron command in the Marine Corps, you are very lucky.  His achievements were not luck.  He was truly a great man.

We honored his life.

He honored mine by choosing me.   I have loved.  I have been loved.  What more can we ask for in this life.  Fifty seven years, three months, and one day.

I will see him again.

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