Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Ken was always deployed.  To Cuba, Spain, Italy, Japan, Korea, The Philippines, Okinawa, Vietnam.  I never got to go with him.  Wherever we were living at the time, the children and I would wait until he returned.   There was a "saying" among Marines that if the Marine Corps had wanted you to have a wife, they would have issued you one.

And now, he has been deployed to heaven.   There will come a day when I fully comprehend that he won't return from this deployment.  But on this deployment, this time, I will someday get to join him.

I will write about him for awhile.  Bear with me.

During this season of his departure, he would look at me and say, "I know two things for sure.  I know that I love you, and I know that God loves me."  I was always humbled by his complete faith in God's love.

As the children's song goes:  "Jesus loves me, this I know,  For the Bible tells me so…"

God loves us.

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