The next mention of a woman was Elisheba--who married Aaron. All we know is her name and that she had a son. (Aaron was Moses' brother and his "Press secretary.")
Back in the book of Genesis, God told Abraham that the day would come when his great, great grandchildren would live in a land that wasn't theirs--and would serve the people of that land for many years. But that, "In the fourth generation they shall come hither again." And exactly four generations later, that prophecy came true, as Moses led the people (who were descendants of Abraham) out of Egypt. God always does what he says he will do. Right on time.
All the Hebrew women baked unleavened bread for the trip out of Egypt, gathered everything that they could carry and left. And when God parted the sea for them to cross over--and drowned the Egyptians who were trying to catch them--the people stepped onto dry land, and listened as Moses began to sing a song of praise about how God had delivered them.
The women were so moved, and thankful that they had been protected by God, that they took timbrels in their hands and danced. It was a very joyful moment. Miriam--Moses sister--who was by this time a prophet--led the way. "Miriam took a timbrel in her hand and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances." Miriam also began to sing praises to God, "Sing praises to the Lord for he has gloriously triumphed. The horse and his rider have been thrown into the sea."
Miriam had protected Moses when he was a baby in a basket in the bulrushes. Now she was a grown woman who taught others about God. The Bible calls her a prophet. I wish I could say that she remained a staunch supporter of Moses, but later, she criticized Moses because he had married a woman who was not a Hebrew. So, God came down in a cloud and told Mariam, "Wherefore were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?" God was angry and struck her with leprosy and had Moses cast her out from the camp of the people for seven days. Just because she was Moses' sister didn't give her the right to belittle him. Moses was God's chosen leader. Miriam wasn't. But Moses loved his sister and pled with God to heal her--which God did.
I think she learned her lesson. She followed her baby brother from then on.
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