The next woman mentioned in the Bible was the wife of Cain. We don't know her name, but after Cain killed Abel, he went to the land of Nod and married. Genesis 4:16-27. We are told that the land Nod was on the East of Eden. From which Nobel Prize winner John Steinbeck named his classic novel: "East of Eden."
There is so much speculation about this woman. Who was she? Where did she come from? (My personal opinion is that she was from earlier races of people who did not have the capacity to hold the breath of God. That is 100% speculation on my part--from my science background--which, through carbon dating, has shown that people lived long before the Biblical timetable of Adam.)
But perhaps the timetable of the Bible doesn't tell us everything we need to know about exactly when Adam lived. Maybe he was the first man, even though the Bible doesn't say that. The thing we know for sure is that the Bible says that Adam was made "in God's image" which is spirit filled.
Some say Cain's wife was his sister--which would not have been a problem back then because if Adam was the first man, the genetic DNA had no flaws. (I personally don't think that she was his sister.) Gen. 5:2 says: "Male and female created he them...and called their name Adam." Because of that verse, some people say that Adam was a race, and not just a man. There is no way we can know. I believe the Bible is perfectly accurate--it just doesn't tell us everything. (My opinion is that Adam was a man, not a race, and that this refers to the people that came from Adam--his linage.)
Later in the 6th chapter of Genesis, God tells the children who came from Adam's son Seth's linage--whom he called the "Sons of God"--not to intermarry with the "Daughters of men." Which seems to imply that there were people from another linage other than Adam. Again, speculation.
Two other women are mentioned by name in chapter 4. Adah and Zilla--who married the great-great-great grandson of Cain--Lamech. Why they are mentioned is a puzzle when we don't even know Cain's wife's name. When I get to heaven I'm going to have a million questions.
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