Thursday, September 26, 2024

Yes, I’m still here.  I got busy editing and quit everything else.  And I am still not through editing.  I am going nuts trying to get this book to the publisher.  She wants three parts.  I had two done...ready to go when she said she wanted it in three parts...the last part about Viet Nam.

So I started reading Ken’s letters, hundreds of them from Viet Nam, and they were so sad, he was so lonesome.  Flying every day, people getting killed.  It was too much.

But I wrote.  It was, and is, hard to work it all in.  I think I’ve got it, then I re-read it, and I don’t.  So I start editing all over again.  It has consumed me.

Carolyn calls and says, “Janie, you didn’t post.” 

“I know,” I tell her.  I will.  In a minute--that never comes.  Some day soon, I will get back to posting regularly---just as I finish editing this book about Ken.  I have to do it justice.

Monday, September 9, 2024

 Sunday we were in Ecclesiastes.  There are two sections that are interesting--and the lesson given to us in our quarterlies wasn’t either one of them.  One is Chapter three.  “A time to live...a time to die... and we counted the number of times the word “time” was used.  Translations are different but there are over 27 times is is used in one chapter.

The other section is  the last chapter where the parts of the body are discussed with “falling apart” as the topic.  The “grinders are low” etc.  It is talking about our teeth as we age.  You wouldn’t know what Solomon was talking about if you didn’t know that all of the comparisons were about aging

I don’t know why, but the “powers that be” who decide what the message is to put in quarterlies, didn’t use either one of those topics. 

There are some parts of the Bible that are interesting, and some that aren’t very interesting.   I keep going back to the New Testament when I start reading.  And the Psalms.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

I miss my home town...Pryor, Oklahoma.  I knew everyone and everyone knew me.  Moving to a new town when you are in your late seventies is not a good idea.  The only way to meet people is at church or at a bar...and I’ve never been in a bar.

Those at your new church raised their children together, taught Sunday School together, went to ball games together, and as a new comer, you have no past.  It is difficult.  I did join a group called “Rusty Keys”...a group who are trying to restore their old piano or violin, etc. skills.  That is good.  I am glad I did that.  As a new comer, you have to take the initiative. 

But you have to take the reins of your own life.  It is too easy to sit and watch TV and order take out.  And there isn’t anything good on TV, and take out gets “greasy.”

I think I’m going to have to start cooking again.  But my neighbors are so good to bring me food.  I’m not complaining, just telling it like it is.  I’m looking forward to coloring my Bible on Moondays with Jeanette.  Our new word is “Mercy.”  Now we just have to decide what color it will be. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The weekend seemed so long.  I number my days by Sunday to Sunday...Church and Bible study.  When you have a three day holiday weekend and you live alone, it seems to stretch.  But...and this is a big but...I have felt better for the entire week.  I had looked up every time the word “heal” was used by Jesus and just asked God to feel better myself. 

Craig grilled steaks.  Baked potatoes and green beans.  And strawberry shortcake.  And of course when Becky does that, she always whips real cream.  I can eat that with a spoon.

Jeanette and I are going to start coloring our Bibles again.  We had done the word “faith” in purple.  The word “kingdom” in golden yellow and started on other words and somehow got stopped.  But on Monday mornings from now on we are going to do that again.  Our next word will be “mercy.”  I am looking forward to that.