Thursday, September 26, 2024

Yes, I’m still here.  I got busy editing and quit everything else.  And I am still not through editing.  I am going nuts trying to get this book to the publisher.  She wants three parts.  I had two done...ready to go when she said she wanted it in three parts...the last part about Viet Nam.

So I started reading Ken’s letters, hundreds of them from Viet Nam, and they were so sad, he was so lonesome.  Flying every day, people getting killed.  It was too much.

But I wrote.  It was, and is, hard to work it all in.  I think I’ve got it, then I re-read it, and I don’t.  So I start editing all over again.  It has consumed me.

Carolyn calls and says, “Janie, you didn’t post.” 

“I know,” I tell her.  I will.  In a minute--that never comes.  Some day soon, I will get back to posting regularly---just as I finish editing this book about Ken.  I have to do it justice.

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