Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The weekend seemed so long.  I number my days by Sunday to Sunday...Church and Bible study.  When you have a three day holiday weekend and you live alone, it seems to stretch.  But...and this is a big but...I have felt better for the entire week.  I had looked up every time the word “heal” was used by Jesus and just asked God to feel better myself. 

Craig grilled steaks.  Baked potatoes and green beans.  And strawberry shortcake.  And of course when Becky does that, she always whips real cream.  I can eat that with a spoon.

Jeanette and I are going to start coloring our Bibles again.  We had done the word “faith” in purple.  The word “kingdom” in golden yellow and started on other words and somehow got stopped.  But on Monday mornings from now on we are going to do that again.  Our next word will be “mercy.”  I am looking forward to that.

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