I imagine you think I vanished. I have been really sick. Which is not a really good time to be trying to write something. Things are better today. They have me on “Boost” Don’t do the vanilla. It is awful. But the chocolate is bearable. Three times a day. I don’t have any appetite anyway so it doesn’t matter.
I walked around the block yesterday--stupid, stupid, stupid. I need to forget about walking and get my mind back in gear and start telling you my stories.
I got a text from Austen McCauley (New York Publisher) that the book about my brother Bill (The Macau Mavrick) will be published in November. Do I believe that? No. I’m just hopeful. His life was such a sacrifice...the world should hear about it. I hope to be at Hardy’s book store and sign copies when it comes out. Hope...I’m hopeful. Bill will turn 80 on Nov. 27...the story needs to come to readers...now.