Wednesday, October 4, 2023

I would be surprised  all of you haven’t given up on me.  I’ve been really sick for weeks.  But today---maybe I am going to be back to normal soon.  I hope so.

We have been in the book of Daniel for the last few weeks.  The first chapters are okay, but the last ones are about the second coming---and there is no way I can figure out for sure what it is saying.  Daniel even said that he didn’t understand his dream.

Applying historical data (about a figure in the Old Testament) to everyday living is difficult.  Carolyn says the lesson for next week is that the evil in the world is strong, and we need to pray that God will lead our choices as to what  we are doing.  I agree, but as a teacher, there isn’t much to say, and it sounds “preachy” to tell people to pray more.  Even if that is what we should do.  I looked ahead in the quarterly and we are going back to the book of John.  Hallelujah.  I am a New Testament teacher.  “How do I apply this to my life,” kind of teacher.  I know Jesus is coming back again, but I need to stay connected to God Today.  There is an entire chapter in the N.T. about the word “Today.”  Apply what you know.  Learn more to apply.  

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