Monday, January 14, 2013

I've written to you on the first five chapters of Genesis.  In review:

1.  God created a perfect heaven and earth.  But something happened.
2.  The earth was without form and void and dark.  It had been destroyed. There were extinctions.
3.  God cleared the mists and let light through, the earth revolve, the waters separate and seeds sprout.
4.  God created new animals. (Sea life never died.) Some animals had survived--if they lived in water.
5.  God created Adam, then Eve.They were different from anything the world had ever seen.
6.  They were able to receive the Breath of God.  In his image. Filled with His Spirit.
7.  God gave them instructions and responsibilities concerning the care of the earth and animals.
8.  God gave them 4 trees, one tree they couldn't eat from.  The tree of Life. If they ate, they would die.
9.  Eve was enticed by a serpent.  A beautiful winged creature. They ate from it.  they died spiritually.
10. God sacrificed an animal to cover their sin and cast them out of the Garden of Eden.
11. Cain killed Abel.  Seth was born in "Adam's image." Adam couldn't have children in God's image.
12. The genealogies were recorded to give us a time line.
13. God had a plan to cover the sin of all "Spiritually empty"people born after Adam.
14. God planned to come to earth as a man and sacrifice himself to cover sin. His name would be Jesus.

This makes blog sixty-six.  I couldn't possibly cover everything, but the only thing I avoided was the question:  "Where did the serpent--the evil one--come from?  How did he get into paradise?  Where was he before this?  Why did God allow him to be there?

There are a million unanswered questions on this subject.  I will share some thoughts on the subject tomorrow.

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