Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I've had a flu of some sort.  Thank you for staying with me.

When I started this blog, I had three things that I wanted others to know for sure.

1.  The Bible is true, and we Christians don't have to apologize because we believe the Genesis story.  It is factual, and in every detail it follows the order in which the world was created.  Verse by verse it is in agreement with what science has discovered.  I am a scientist, and am amazed at the truth of Genesis.

2.  God intended to put his Spirit inside of man.  That was his plan from the beginning.  But  even though Adam was in God's image, Adam lost the Spirit of God and was banished from His presence.  Every birth after that produced a child--not in God's image--but in Adam's image.  A person with an empty place inside.  Which caused a yearning in the hearts of every human: tribe by tribe, culture by culture, and clan by clan.  A yearning for a God.

3.  God didn't give up on man.  The rest (of the books in the Old Testament) is the story of God moving toward a restoration of His Spirit into the soul of men.  And when God's time was right, He came to earth, became a man, spilled His blood and died for sin, was raised from the dead to intercede for us, and gave his Spirit to anyone who believed in Him.   Hallelujah!

Christ in you, the hope of glory.

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