Along that line, that is of being planted, a tree has a number of components that must work together to enable fruit to occur. First, of course, there must be a seed. Then you must have proper soil. Then you must have water. You must have light. After that, we can make many analogies.
Remember in Matthew 13: 3, when the sower went forth scattering seed. 1. Some fell by the wayside and the birds ate the seed. 2. Some fell on stones and the plants sprang up. But there was no depth of earth to help the plant endure, and when the sun came up they scorched. 3. Some fell among thorns and were choked out. 4. Some fell on good ground, took root and brought forth not only sustained growth, but fruit. Lots of it.
In only one case was there no growth. That was when the birds ate the seed. God's word goes out with the good news (the seed) and it is sometimes destroyed before it gets to its intended purpose. Vultures, blasphemers, liars, lie in wait to distort and ridicule it. They eat it up.
In the other three cases, growth occurred. In the first case, without the proper soil, some plants died. We need to surround the new Christian with support, attention, encouragement, the Word of God and love so that they don't get scorched.
In the second case, some fell among thorns and were choked out. New Christians sometimes fall among the wrong crowd and their new joy gets choked out. They go back to their old way of living. Evil lurks out there waiting to destroy them.
But finally, in the third case, the soil and the water were there, and fruit occurred.
I will get back to the rest of Timothy. But I'm chasing a rabbit right now.
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