Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I was 28 when Genesis became the focus of study in my life.  Now, well…..if I tell you how old I am, you may think I am over the hill and stop reading my blog.  But I guess I will take that chance.  I'm 75.  And science still holds great fascination for me.  But God's word holds my heart.  I am like you.  I want to know the truth.   I've spent my life being sure about what is true and I can truthfully and with total honesty say,  I have never found anything about, in, or concerning the Bible but truth.  Jesus said, "I am the truth."  And he is.  

I had an advantage.  I grew up in a  family of Bible teachers.  Father, mother, grandmother, aunts and uncles.  And on Sunday at dinner, they would all eat together and discuss what they had taught that morning.  Also, what they had learned.  I assumed that everyone grew up on fried chicken and scripture.    And in addition to my family, our pastor was the best Bible scholar I have ever heard.  We cut our spiritual teeth on his sermons.  He spent four hours every morning studying the Bible.  He spent every afternoon ministering to his people and their needs.

He would hang a chart 40 feet long across the front of the church and outline the progression of what he was teaching (with pictures in color for the children) and would have every reference printed for you.  It was so interesting.  He was our pastor from the time I was 4, until I was 9 years old.  And I can still close my eyes and see some of those outlines.  Later, when I was grown and the mother of two little girls, I got to listen to him again--three times a week for four months.  He was so inspiring.  He was also my father-in-law.  I got to live with E. R. and Mary Jane for a short time while my husband was spending a year overseas.  I got to hear him not only as a child but as a grown woman.

So I was doubly blessed.  Not only my family, but my husband's family.  Later on in my life I realized that not everyone had come from so rich a Biblical childhood.  And I was convicted that having been given so much, much more would be required of me by God.   So, I am a teacher.   I want everyone to have the confidence of God's word that I grew up with.

"…unto whom much is given, of him (her, me) shall much be required…"  Luke 12: 48b.  


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