My daughter asked me to go through the Bible and comment on the verses that have had special meaning to me. So, since I have finished the book of Jude, I think that I might enjoy that. I'm ready for a break from what I've been writing. Here goes.
I started the blog because my daughters wanted me to teach them about the first few chapters of Genesis. If you missed that, go back to the beginning of my blog. I have spent much of my life teaching the truth of the Biblical account of creation, and rectifying what God had to tell us with what science has found. Standing on the truth of God's word as the absolute truth. Because of this, the very first verse in the Bible means a great deal to me. It is the complete and total account of the beginning of all things.
Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth." Period. Done. Complete. Finished. The sequence that follows this verse explains some, but not all, of the process.
What was there, I don't know. How long it was between verse one and two, I don't know. God doesn't tell us.
However, science can tell us a great deal, and we shouldn't ignore facts. There were dinosaurs. Continents were in different places than they are now; they are moving. Earthquakes can knock the earth off its axis. Meteorites can change the face of the land. New land can appear due to volcanos under the oceans. But be wary of theories. Remember that the Bible will never contain error.
Genesis 1:2a "And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep."
Between verse one and two, something happened. God doesn't create formless, void, or darkness. God is the light and in him is no darkness at all.
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