Science has it's place. It just doesn't address the issues of guilt, sadness, joy, hope, thoughts. Every time I read about a new scientific discovery, I think: God did that. It's been there all along. Every thing that science discovers was put there by God. Absolute truth never changes.
The third man of faith that is mentioned is Noah. Can you imagine how he must have felt as people ridiculed him day after day. They were living in a dry land and Noah is building an ark. He got up every day for years and years and pieced boards together. But Noah had made a decision somewhere in his past that the rest of civilization had failed to do. Noah had put his trust in God. If God said it was going to rain, well, it was going to rain. It's just a matter of when. That is simple faith.
When I get up in the morning and go out to get the paper, I always do two things. First, I look up and praise God for the weather--whatever it is. Even if I am getting soaked. The other morning, the sky looked like it did back in the forties. Before smog. The stars were like crystal pieces of ice in the sky. The milky way was stellar. If you don't have rain, you don't know how to fully appreciate a clear sky.
Second. I turn and look toward the East. I am always wondering whether today will be the day. Some people think the second coming is a pipe dream. For me, it's a reality. Christ said he was coming back. I believe it. That's faith. In addition, I get to see the sun come up, and the magnificent colors that God has painted while I am wondering about it all. My faith is not a fire insurance policy. It is a rock on which I have built my life.
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for. The evidence of things not seen." That's how our writer starts the eleventh chapter of Hebrews.
Substance. Evidence. You see it in the lives of those who have given themselves to God through faith in his Son.
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