Monday, July 17, 2017

Posting these things that I write is a responsibility that I don't take lightly.  I edit what I write three or four times before I publish it.  Leaving things out, putting a word in--that better exemplifies what I want to say.  I don't want those of you--who trust me to always tell the truth, and to research what I am saying--to ever be misled by some error on my part.  Once I hit the publish button, what I have said goes out on the web to the entire world.  Some of you send it on to friends and family.  I appreciate your faith in me, but sometimes when I write, I feel the weight of what I am saying and wait a few days to publish. Giving myself time to think it over.

"Who can understand his errors?  Cleanse thou me from secret (unknown) faults." Psalms 19:12

That being said, I know what I know for sure.  I know what I think I know for sure.  And sometimes I think I know a thing and later find out that I was mistaken.  I try to avoid writing anything until I am sure.  There are many ways of knowing--and many years of experience has given me hindsight.  Which is valuable.  I'm sure you have some of that as well.  In those cases, I know what I know for sure because of years of experience.  Not from a book written by some pseudo expert.

One of the worst mistakes I made when I was a young mother was listening to the only author around on the subject raising children--Dr. Spock.  And a man at that!!  I'm sure he meant well.  But his theories left much to be desired.  But being new at the baby raising business, I trusted him and made a lot of mistakes.  Experience allowed me to do better the next time.  And by the time I had my fifth child, I knew a lot about what I was doing.  And still made a lot of mistakes.

Mistakes are inevitable.  We do the best we know how, and as the poet Maya Angelou said, "I did then what I knew how to do.  Now that I know better, I do better."  The Apostle Paul said, "With this goal in mind, I strive toward the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:13

I have a goal.  To communicate knowledge that comes from what I have learned.  Both about the Bible, and about life.  I hope some of it is useful to you.

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