Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Sunday evening and Monday morning were pretty special.  Becky Bacon came and stayed the night.  It was great--as always when she and I get together.  We laugh a lot.  Especially about Joe, her hubby, who was one of Ken's best friends.  Joe is a little boy in a man's body.  Becky asked him if he could make it without her while she was gone--and of course he said, "No problem."  He then left the car windows down in the rain and soaked the car.  He also left the ignition switch on and had to get a jump start the next morning.

Becky calls him "Peter Pan."  Which is such an apt description.  She even bought him a Peter Pan costume--which he wouldn't wear.  "I don't need a costume!  I already am Peter Pan."

In his defense, Ken said that Joe was the most awesome pilot that he ever flew with.  And that is saying a lot, because Ken flew with the best of the best in the Marine Corps.  Once Joe steps into the cockpit, a total transformation occurs.

God love him, he is one of my favorite people as well.  He is an Indian-Indian.  A full-blood Cherokee, who was adopted by the U.S. Ambasador to India--where Joe grew up.  When he goes into his Indian-Indian mode, we all have tears running down our faces--laughing.  He is so funny.  He has the entire India-head-nod down to a pat.

As the Ambassador's only child--back in the days that he grew up in India--Joe went to school with the Maharaja.  (And recently went back to India (with Becky) and was invited to lunch with his childhood friend--the Maharaja.)  When he reached his teens, the pilots making runs from England to India would let him fly back and forth with them.   Now Joe teaches students to fly.  He loves to fly.  Peter Pan forever.

God gives us friends and I have been blessed with so many wonderful friends.  Tomorrow, I will tell you about the first time I met Becky Bacon, and how God brought our friendship about, and ultimately Ken and Joe's as well.

"Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend."  Proverbs 27:17

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