Friday, December 1, 2017

I highly recommend that you don't get sick.  The worst part is the weakness. You are reduced to a mass of quivering jelly. That's pretty much where I am today.   Can't stand up without wooziness.  I'll spend the next couple of days getting back into the running.  One good thing, I lost 6 pounds.  And still haven't been able to eat anything.  Just hot tea.

Sunday, we start the book of Acts.  Luke wrote it.  It is the only history book in the New Testament.  It is Luke's record of everything that happened after  Jesus rose from the dead.  (Luke was a physician.  He always researches and gets things exactly right.)  It's an account of the early church,  their persecutions, how each of the disciples reacted, where they went, etc.  Interesting accounts of the events following the resurrection.  All about what real people did in a very real situation.

I am so glad to get out of the book of Leviticus.  I hope the "Powers that be," who decide what we will teach, will spare us from doing that book again.

I've been stumbling through the letter to the Ephesians for the last few weeks.  Trying to hit the highlights of this letter that Paul wrote.

Ephesians 4:4-6  "There is one body, one hope of your calling.  One Lord, one faith, one baptism.  One God and Father of all..."

You would think that we would have understood that verse by now, but no; we break ourselves up into denominations over minor differences of opinions about what the Bible says.  Each denomination arguing for their interpretation and letting that facet of their belief become center to their purpose.  Instead of working for unity, groups of people take one or two verses from the Bible and build a religious denomination on it.

Probably all of us should get back to the basics.  Jesus was God.  He came as a sacrifice for our sins.  He rose on the third day and makes intercession for us to God.  He is our peace.  We believe that, or we don't.  That's it.  All the rest of it is descriptive.  Praise God for his love for us that he was willing to do that.  Thing is, I don't get it.  Why would He do that?  I'm not worth it.  I bet you aren't either.

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