Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Ken had spent a year at the front in the Korean war.  Two distinguished flying crosses, 10 air medals, hit by antiaircraft fire 7 times and brought back planes so damaged that they pushed them over the side.  He was not your average pilot.  All of his so called youth was far behind him at the age of 25.  He was a Captain in the Marine Corps.  He was not a kid anymore.

Unbeknownst to anyone, he had been looking for the right woman since he returned from the war.  He was ready to settle down.  But he was certainly not looking for someone 8 years younger than himself.   He had a mental check list of what he wanted:  Someone from a similar background.  A Christian.  Preferable someone from the same denomination.  Smart.  Pretty.  Confident.  Independent.  Able to stand on her own two feet.  He hadn't written anything down, but he knew what he was looking for and I missed on two points.  I was way too young, and I had never had to live on my own.  But after he returned to Pensacola, he thought about me.

And the day I turned 18--in March of the next year---he called my dad.  "I know she is too young, and I wouldn't pursue it unless you approved.  But what would you think if I said I wanted to get to know your daughter better?  I'm thinking about seriously better."  My dad answered, "What does she think about that?"

"Well, she doesn't have a clue.  I haven't spoken to her since I was there last September.  She was so young that I didn't think it feasible, but I can't stop thinking about her." Ken would never have spoken to me without my dad's approval.

"I'd say, go for it--if you can catch her.   She's dated a lot of different fellows, but she doesn't stick with one very long.  She's particular.  And you are a long way off.  But you certainly have my approval."

And so, the next week, I got a letter in the mail.  "I'm coming back to Oklahoma next month and would like to see you.  Is that a possibility?"  Shock.  My plan had been to never to see him again.  Ever.  I couldn't help but wonder if it had been the kiss?  Maybe I could explain it to him?  That I wasn't the kind of girl that had ever done such a thing before.  I admit, I was curious.      

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