Tuesday, December 5, 2017

"Now he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth...when he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive...He that descended is the same as he that ascended up far above all heavens..."  (arranged from Ephesians 4:8-10)

That scripture is obviously talking about Jesus rising from the dead.  These are the only scriptures I know that indicate that Jesus descended into Paradise--that place with a gulf that separated people into two groups.  Hades being on one side of the gulf, Paradise on the other.

He gathered up those who had waited on Him (captives) and took them with him (captivity-captives) when He rose from the dead.  "And the graves were opened and many bodies of the saints which slept arose and came out of the graves after his resurrection."  (A direct quote by the apostle Matthew.)

I realize that may be far out for some.  That's why I almost skipped this passage in Ecclesiastes.  But it is in the scripture.  Decide for yourself.  I find that the more I read, the more scripture I "put together" with other scripture, the more I understand.  The Bible supports itself.

Don't confuse Paradise with purgatory.  Purgatory is neither a Biblical place nor a Biblical concept.  Purgatory is a made up invention of men.  A real money maker, because of the desire frightened people have who want to get their loved ones out of Hades.  By buying them out--which is impossible.   If you die without Jesus, without His sacrifice for your sin, without giving Him your life, then it's over.  You can never cross that gulf after you die.  You have to choose Christ in this life.

People don't like that.  So they invent alternate truths such as: 1.  I will get another chance.  2.  Someone still alive will give enough money to a church to get me out.  3.  There are many ways to God.  4.  I'm a good person, my good outweighs my bad.  Etc., etc.

But God makes it very clear.  One way: Jesus.  One life:  Surrender and obedience.  You don't get to make up your own plan.

 I don't see why anyone would gamble on eternity.

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