Monday, September 25, 2023

I hope I have not lost all of you.  I have been very ill for a week.  I had a procedure on Monday a week ago, and go back to the surgeon today for evaluation.  I don’t have cancer...Praise God in heaven above.

We are studying Daniel.  As brave as he was, you would think we would hear more about him.  He was prepared ahead of time--for the problems and danger he faced.  

God is not an insurance policy in case of fire.  You can’t wait until the moment of danger to get acquainted with him.

One thing I have learned is that He is there for me.  He cares for me.  I used to think that “God so loved the world...” before I came to realize completely that, “God so loved me...” It is not just a general statement, it is very personal.  He loves me.  He loves you.  That’s what is behind everything he does.

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