In Heb. 6:15 we read that after he had patiently endured, he, (Abraham) obtained the promise. God is telling us something we need to know about patience. It requires endurance.
I said I'd tell you a story.
In 1959, Ken was overseas (again), I had two babies, no money and was living with Ken's parents for a few months in California North of the Golden Gate Bridge. Ken's mother was a saint. One of the kindest, most understanding people I have ever known. Mother Theresa is the only person who might be in the same category.
One day, I was frazzled with my oldest daughter Pat's behavior. I think she was in the terrible twos before her time. So I shared with Ken's mom that I had tried everything I knew to deal with her. I said, "I even have prayed and prayed that God would give me patience."
Ken's mom (Matry) audibly drew breath in and put her hand over her heart and said, "Oh, No." Don't ever pray for patience!!!" ( Her husband, Ken's dad was a Baptist preacher extraordinaire, so I figured that Mary must know something that I didn't.) So I asked her why I shouldn't pray for patience.
"Well," she said, "The Bible tells us in Romans 5: 6 that tribulation worketh patience. So when you pray for patience, you are praying for tribulation--and you already have that. Patience comes from tribulation." The next verse (7) gives the progression: "…tribulation works patience, and patience, experience; and experience, hope;"
So I haven't ever prayed for patience again. I pray for wisdom. And endurance. I don't need any more tribulation.
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