Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My daughter asked me why I never write about what is happening in my life "In The Now."  She said, "You always write about what happened years ago and never what is going on now.  There are people who would be encouraged by what you are going through."

My answer was that while I'm going through something hard, painful or discouraging, that I am just trying to get through it.  Knowing that God is with me.  Also knowing that nothing will ever come my way that I cannot bear because He says so in His word.  But most of the time, I have no idea what the point of the experience is until later.  When I can look back and say, "Oh.  That was what that was all about.  And then maybe I can comfort someone else.

Both of my daughters are concerned that I am exhausted by the enormous  difficulty of caring for their father, my husband of 57 years.  But God has blessed me with enough physical and spiritual strength to manage.

Ken is not well.  This "Bigger than life" Marine is fighting a battle with kidney failure that he is slowly losing.  The loss of the ability to handle the things in our lives that he has always been able to do is of great concern to him.  He doesn't want to be a burden.   I tell him every day that it is my great privilege to care for him.  He is such an awesome person.

There is nothing I would rather be doing with my life than caring for him.   Which is a God thing, because I am not normally a very compassionate person.  I always thought that everyone should just keep on keeping on and deal with what comes their way.  But God  has turned me into a new and different person through this experience.  My compassion overflows.

I started blogging because I quit doing a lot of things that took me away from Ken.   I have no idea who all is reading this.  But be encouraged.  Our God is sufficient for all our needs.

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