Tuesday, February 21, 2017

One note:  Boaz's mother was the prostitute Rahab.  (She hid Joshua's spies.)  Perhaps that is why he was sympathetic to Ruth--he knew how difficult it had been for his mother to gain acceptance among the Israelites since she was from another country.  (Even though Boaz's father was an Israelite.)  And the people of Moab--Ruth's country--were the descendants of Lot's incestuous relationship with his daughters.  The Jews considered the Moabites "the scum of the earth."  Boaz and Ruth had common backgrounds.

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges....Ruth.  Eight books.  Hundreds of men and a few women. And now I am delving into First and Second Samuel.  And the story of Samuel's mother.

There was a man who had two wives: Hannah who was barren, and Peninnah--who had given him children when Hannah couldn't.  The man gave Peninnah portions (shares of income or land) for all of her sons and daughters--and a worthy portion to Hannah even though she had no children, because he loved her.  Peninnah was most probably jealous of Hannah.

Peninnah mocked Hannah and continually made her upset because she could not bear children.  Each year as they went up to worship at Shiloh, Peninnah provoked Hannah so horribly as they were traveling that Hannah wept and couldn't eat.  Her husband asked her, "Why are you crying?  Aren't I better to you than ten sons? Why is your heart grieved?" There must have been a lot of tension in Hannah's life.  Her husband didn't get it.  He didn't have to live with Peninnah's constant taunting.

After the service was over at Shiloh, Hannah was "bitter in her soul" and began to pray silently and weep.  The priest Eli thought she was drunk and told her to stop drinking wine.  "I am not drunk, I have not had anything to drink," she told him.  "I am a woman of a sorrowful spirit.  I am pouring out my soul to God."  So Eli told her, "Go in peace.  And may our God grant you your petition."

The next morning after worship, they returned to their home in Ramah.  And God answered Hannah's plea.  She gave birth to a son and named him Samuel.  God hears our prayers and understands our broken hearts.  And sometimes--sometimes--he gives us what we have asked for.  Praise God.

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