Monday, February 20, 2017

When Ruth got home that morning, of course Naomi wanted to know everything that had happened.  Ruth gave her the barley from Boaz, and told her what Boaz had said about her not going home without a present for Naomi.  She shared everything Boaz had said about redeeming their property and his willingness to take her as his wife as well.  (That was a requirement in those days.)

"I know this man," Naomi said.  "He won't rest until he has found the next of kin that he spoke of who has first right to redeeming the property."  Which is exactly what Boaz did.

Boaz called for ten of the chief elders of the city to be witnesses to the transaction.  He told the kinsman who was first in line to redeem the property, "You have first right to it, and I am next."  The man told Boaz, "I want it."  So then, Boaz told the man that the purchase of the land from Naomi required that he marry Ruth--so that she could have children to carry on her husband's name and to eventually inherit the land."

"Well, no.  I can't buy it under those circumstances," the man said.  Because her son would then inherit my property as well--in her dead husband's name."  It seems strange to us today, but those were the rules of inheritance in those days.  

So Boaz married Ruth.  And God gave her a son.  And the women of the city blessed Naomi because she now had an heir.  Boaz was willing to marry Ruth--and allow the line of inheritance go to Naomi's family's name through Ruth. 

Their son's name was Obed.  And Obed grew up and had a son named Jesse.  And Jesse grew up and had a son named David.  King David.  A man after God's own heart.  And Jesus came from the linage of David.  Jesus' background included a harlot--Rahab, who helped Joshua's spies when they went to Jericho.  And a Moabite woman from an unacceptable tribe--Ruth.  Go figure!!

Looking at the women in Christ's background, they were from every walk of life.  Just like us.  God uses women for his glory.  All kinds of women.

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