I have been sorting paper. I was motivated because my daughter Becky does big estate sales and always has to go through tons of paper that has been left over from a lifetime, and I don’t want her to have to sort through all of mine when the time comes. (That sounds depressing--no...I’m not depressed, I am motivated.) It is amazing all of the stuff we keep-and the reasons we haven’t thrown it away.
I put all of my transcripts in a folder. My mom was always wanting me to make perfect grades and I guess I kept the transcripts to say, “I did it.” Who cares anymore...I’m not applying for a job. And there are a zillion release forms from hospitals and doctor’s offices. Why do I have all of that. But the things I haven’t thrown away are the notes my children wrote to me. Those are priceless. And the notes from a creative writing class I took...I had forgotten that I had written stuff a long time ago. But there are bags and bags of paper that is useless. And the things I am keeping are in files with titles on the file. At least I’ll know where to find the useless stuff I am keeping. Even if I don’t know why I’m keeping it.