Friday, May 17, 2024

 Pat found Molly on a dirt road in the country a year or so ago.  She was just sitting in the middle of the road, lost.  Someone had abused her. kicked her teeth in.  She had a broken rib and open sores.  And of course, Pat picked her up and brought her to me.  Healing began.  

Over the last year she learned a number of things.  Sit, come, get in your crate,  let me put your leash  on you. Get in the car.  She would bark to go outside.  But she wasn’t always obedient when we would walk on a leash...too many things to discover and sniff.

Every morning, I look for her, then remember she is gone.  She was  my friend.  She liked for me to talk to her and would cock her head from one side to the other as if she knew what I was saying.  Giving into me was a really big deal because she was so independent.  But she do the things I asked her to do.  She chose me.  I was loved.

She is now in charge of the dogs in heaven.  She has probably rounded them up and is explaining how things should be done.  And she has her eye on the gate...waiting on me.

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