I have been digging and transporting flowers that have overgrown their environment. They come back every year and were from my mother’s garden. I give them away when they have invaded the rest of the flower bed. Too much of a good thing.
It’s Friday. I get my hair done on Fridays. There is less and less hair to do! Last week I told her to cut it short. She did and there isn’t much left. I got a perm so that disguises the thinness somewhat.
Why in the world am I writing about hair!!! I was telling you about transplanting and got sidetracked. When I dug up some of the hen and chickens succulents, the container was full of ants and they crawled all over me. It’s an hour later and I am still fighting ants. Luckily they weren’t fire ants--which I hear are in the area I live in. Last year I brought the containers in for the winter, and had an entire ant family of ants come in for the winter. They stayed in the containers most of the time occasionally tromping into the kitchen for crumbs. I tolorated them until the got on the cabinents--that was a bridge too far and I put the containers outside. And everything froze. Except the ants. You can’t kill a nest of ants--they just dig deeper and wait until you give up. I guess it’s a live and let live situation. If I try and kill them, I kill the plants.
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