Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I have a new favorite recipe.  I eat it every morning.  I ground up a ham (smoked in cherry wood) and then fried the bits till they were crunchy.  I mixed a couple of tablespoons with an egg, fried it and then rolled it up in a burrito with half an avocado.  Once I get started on something like that, I will eat it every day for months.

Habits are like that.  Once you get started, it gets easier every time you do it.  I remember back in l963 when we got seat belts, I just couldn't remember to buckle up.  I finally threw my hands up in disgust.

I wanted to buckle up.  I just couldn't remember.  Then one day I got the bright idea that instead of making it my problem, I would make it God's problem.  I told him, "You remind me when I get in the car, and I'll buckle up.   I never forgot again.  I have been buckling up for 50 years.

Sometimes, we forget that God is there in the little problems as well as the big ones.  Or we just think that we would be bothering him if we called on him about the small things in life.  Or we just don't think of God as being interested in little things--that we should handle the small stuff ourselves.

Psalms 46: 1  "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble."

A present help.  He is not far away.  He wants to hear from us.  I guess if we need help, all we need to do is ask for it.  Talk to Him.  Sometimes I mumble.  But God hears our hearts.

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