Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Here's what I think may have happened.  In the beginning, God created everything just like he wanted it.  It wasn't void; it wasn't empty;  it wasn't dark.  We know for a fact that there were animals.  Some looked strange in terms of what we think an animal should look like.  But in reality, we have some strange looking animals living today.

Some animals survived whatever partially destroyed the world between Genesis1:1 and 1:2.  Great forces picked many animals up and washed them into heaps.  Dirt settled and encapsulated them for us to dig up years and years later.  Great floods washed trees from one part of the earth to another.  Some of them were petrified.  One on top of the other for miles and miles.

But most of the animals that survived lived in water or in murky marshes.  They survived in a dark, void environment.  Those land animals that ate plants lost their source of food and began to die.  Which caused the food chain to begin to deteriorate.

What would cause such darkness?  Volcano eruptions that spewed ash?  Fire?  Whatever it was, when you couple an Asteroid  impact with anything else, it would be like trying to walk across a room with a shallow saucer of water without spilling it.  Slish, slosh.

Jeremiah 4:23-27 "I beheld the earth, and lo, in was without form, and void; and the heavens, and they had no light...the mountains...trembled and all the hills moved lightly...there was no man and all the birds of the heavens were fled.  I beheld, and lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness and all the cities thereof were broken down..."

Very similar to Gen. 1:2.  But this account tells that there were men, birds, mountains, fruit, cities.  Is Jeremiah talking about what happened between Gen. 1:1 and 1:2?

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