The ultimate question is whether there is a "God" or not.
If you say no, then you have to explain all this stuff around us. Where did it come from. Dirt, trees, bugs, and more precisely, humans--yourself. It poses a dilemma. The last I heard, Stephen Hawking (the smart guy in the wheelchair with Lou Gehrig's disease) is trying to prove that something can come from nothing. It seems like a last ditch effort to avoid admitting there is another "something" that created all this.
If you say yes, then you must make a decision about this God. Is he 'good'. Is he 'evil'.
If he is evil, well, there you go. You have to find a way to appease him. Like they did in some of the cultures of the past. Sacrifice babies, cut off people's heads, build the Tower of Bable.
If he is good, now that's another story. Questions arise: why, when, how... Why make humans? When did he do it? How was it done? And does he want to communicate with us? And where would you find an answer to such questions?
There are old, old documents that address this subject. Collected by the Jews. One of the documents is called "Genesis". The collection is called the "Old Testament".
"In the beginning...". That's how it starts.
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