Tuesday, October 18, 2016

You recall that I told you there were three words that I found interesting in the first chapter of Genesis.  The third word  that I talked about is the word "made".

This word is a little bit different from 'create' and 'let.'  It means to take something that is already there and 'make' something from it.  i.e.: I made my daughter a dress.  I didn't make the fabric.  I didn't make the thread, the pattern, the buttons, the lace, etc.,  I just took those things, and made something else.  Something new.  Something different.

God 'made' the firmament...out of what was already there.  The waters settled, the fog went away, the air cleared.  You could see the blue sky.

Genesis 1:8-10 "And God called the firmament Heaven.  And the evening and the morning were the second day.  And God said,  'Let' (there is that word again) the waters under the heaven be gathered together into one place, and 'let' the dry land appear: and it was so."


Mountains are pushed up from the bottom of the water.  Land masses are shaking.  Continents shifting.  Always moving.  Always changing.  God put it in motion.  It is a continual process that still is going on today.

Our world has never been static.  It is always rearranging itself.  And God is the rearranger.  He is still God.  We can see his work in the past through fossils.  We can see his work in the skies through a telescope.  He is the Creator.

In the beginning......God.  He was.  He is.  And He always shall be.

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