Sunday, October 2, 2016

I have written nine-hundred and eighty three days since I began doing this.  A large number of you have joined me lately, so I think I will repost a couple of the entries that I made back when I began.

I was interested in the book of Genesis, because young people were going to high school and college and being ridiculed for believing the creation story.  I wanted to explain how science and scripture fit together.

I wanted to reassure them that the Bible is true from cover to cover and that there is no error in it.  And like I said a week ago, if you find conflict, either you don't know enough Bible, or you don't know enough science.

Since I am a zoologist, and a mathematician, it was like putting a puzzle together for me.  Meshing science and scripture in perfect accord.

Maybe this will give you help with your children, grandchildren, or anyone else who questions the Biblical creation story.  Hope so.

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