My days are pretty empty lately. The church has canceled the Wednesday Bible class for the summer, as well as the Senior Adult choir. I didn't realize how much I looked forward to going to both of those things until they weren't available anymore. Now, I have teacher's meeting on Weds. night and church and Bible class on Sunday morning. That's it.
But come September, it will all get into gear again. When you are retired, all the things that you used to want to do, you now have the time to do. But there aren't enough of those events to fill every day. I always thought of myself as a loner, but since moving here, I've realized how much I like to be around people. (In small doses.)
I like to be by myself as well because I love to read. But a little of "Being By Myself" goes a long way. Problem is, it's really hard to make friends that you can call and say, "Let's go do lunch." It takes awhile to develop those kinds of friends.
I've been trying. I'm really working at it. In Pryor, it was easy. I knew everyone. They knew me. Here, I'm still learning everyone's name. Hundreds of names. And my memory isn't what it used to be. I learn a name, don't see that person for a couple of weeks and by then, I've forgotten it. Oh well, I'm in a better place than when I first moved here--because I have met a lot of people. But I'm still looking for that "One" who will be my Edmond BFF.
Becky Bacon stayed with me three days last week. That was heaven. Old friends are the best friends. Sally called--she's in Hattisburg, Miss. now. I talk to Carolyn every day. Pat took me to dinner last night. Becky (daughter) called to see if I wanted to go to Tulsa with her Friday. My next door neighbor brought me dinner last night. What in the world am I whining about??!!
Forgive me.
" IN, IN IN everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." I've got to keep reminding myself of that.
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