Thursday, December 13, 2018

Genesis.  It keeps coming back to me.  It is the cornerstone for people who don't believe the Bible is true.  They say that the creation account isn't true--that it is a myth handed down from people who didn't understand science.  I am a scientist.  And I beg to disagree--wholeheartedly disagree.  Such disbelief about the first chapter of Genesis means you won't believe the rest of the Bible--how would you decide what to believe.  You either believe the Bible is true, or you don't.  You can't accept parts of it piece meal.  So, to catch you readers up to where I come from, I will once again lay the "truth" groundwork for the book of Genesis creation story.  It is a true story.  And there aren't any mistakes in it.  People who disbelieve it haven't read it with a scientific perspective.  So let's review.  Genesis 1:1

1. "In the beginning..."  Christians don't know when that was.  Neither does anyone else.  I have no problem with the Big bang theory...maybe there was a big bang.  The problem is "When. "Nobody knows that either.   (The universe is still expanding.) But we know it was a long time ago.  Eons.
2. "God..."  The latest explanation from those who don't believe in a "Creator" is that we came from aliens.  No explanation of where the aliens came from or who created them. No explanation of where  "Space" is.  We are here.  That is a fact.  The question is:  Where is "here?"  Where did space come from in the first place.  Everyone seems to agree that there is "Something."
3. "...created the heavens and the earth..."  How did He do it.?  Nobody knows.  But we do know what the word "Create" means:  To take absolutely nothing and make something perfect.

Those are the first three lines in the Bible.  We are not told what, or who, first lived on this earth that God created.  Scientifically, from strata, we know that there were huge dinosaurs, and that they had a relatively long span of life on earth before they were wiped out.  Wiped out in this order:  Animals that ate grass began to die due to some catastrophe (perhaps darkness) that wiped out vegetation.  And as plants began to die, the animals that depended on them died.  Then, animals that were meat dependent lost their source of prey, and they began to die.  It was a decreasing food chain.  It works exactly the same today.  (Google what happened in Yellowstone when the gray wolf was killed off.)

So almost all--except water based life--disappeared.  The evolution theorist wants to connect that time, and that dinosauric age with the age today.  We scientists who disagree call that period the "Gap."  It is the gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 where it says, "The earth was dark...(Continued...)

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