Friday, December 14, 2018

This water life--that survived whatever happened to the earth--continued to thrive.  And interestingly, a shark from eons ago looks like a shark today, as well as fish, crickets, etc., (no evolution)  The animals that lived in a wet environment survived.  They look like they did in the dinosauric ages.   Only land animals disappeared, and virtually all at once.  The world continued in this condition in what we will call "The gap."  There was a gap on earth of land life.  The evolution theorist has not been able to connect life in this gap.  There is a void.  So the evolution theorist proposes that (current) land animals came from life in the water.  They are stumped by the "Gap" of life on land.

After the first verse, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth," the next verse after this statement says:  "And the earth was without form and void...  This is not a creative work.  A creation is a perfect work.  Something has happened.  We are not told what happened between these two verses but you can fit geologic ages in here.  And in the same verse where this formless, void earth is mentioned, it continues, "...and darkness was upon the face of the deep."

You can't have darkness without the concept of light.  The sun had been part of the original creation, but now it is blocked out.  The light is hidden.  In the following verses, God doesn't create light, He says simply, "Let there be light." If the earth was destroyed between verse one and two by meteorites, or volcanic eruptions, there might be ash circling the earth.  This would block sunlight--like the eruption of Mt. St. Helens did but on a much larger scale.  Enough darkness to cause plants to die.

And the "deep" is a statement that the oceans were still part of the earth.  Life that was in the ocean would still exist.  Whatever the case, God decided to do something new, "And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep."  What God is sharing in those first two verses of the Bible is that He created the heavens and the earth.  Something happened.  And later, he began a new story.  The story of the restoration of our earth.  An earth fit for the habitation of "us."

He starts with "light."  The necessary ingredient for land life.  God says, "Let there be light.  And there was light."  The condition of the earth was instantly changed.  God parted the darkness to let the light in.  He had created our sun eons ago, He didn't create it again.  He just let it shine once again on the void, formless, dark mass we call earth.  What follows is progression, not creation...(continued)

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