Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Pat took a picture of our feet in the water of the Gulf when we were down there last month.  Then, she made me a cleverly crafted picture frame to remind me of the fun we had.  She is a crafter.  I'm not.  About the only thing I can do is say, "That's so cute!"  Which I did.  I'll put it by my bed.

Jeanette came to see me today.  I love it when she comes.  Becky Bacon is coming Thursday and staying a few days.  This is going to be a great week.  We'll all go eat somewhere.

I never knew anything about estate sales until Becky (daughter) got into it.  (Check her out at "Swan Estate Sales", she also posts on Facebook.  Swan was my maiden name.)  Anyway, I've worked a few of them--if they have a lot of sewing stuff and fabric.  They usually last two or three days, unless it is exceptionally large and then they may go four days.  First day is reasonably priced, second day could be 25% off.  Third day it might be 50% off.  It depends.  You never know how a sale will go.  The weather is a big factor.  Since she started doing this, I've been going to other estate sales.  It is really interesting.  Even at full price, you will get a bargain.  I don't want to put anyone out of business, but I'll never pay full price at a retail store again after learning about these sales.  The prices are too good.

Becky Bacon is coming Thursday and she and Jeanette and Ann and I are going garage hopping, and also to an estate sale.  It will be fun.  I think Becky (friend) is going to stay through Sunday.  I think I have died and gone to heaven.  Having my friends here and doing fun stuff is the ultimate joy.  Becky (friend) is having another eye surgery.  This seems to be endless for her.  They have stopped the glaucoma, which is a miracle, but scar tissue keeps growing back.  Bad for her, but lovely for me since she has to come to Ok. City and stay with me.  Janie's Bed and Breakfast, Lunch and Supper.

I have two Beckys I write about.  Daughter, and Becky Bacon.  (And Rebecca Perkins.)  My Becky doesn't like for me to call her Becky, she prefers Rebecca.  I named her Rebecca, but never called her that--it's hard to change what I call her.  Habit.  Our habits hold us.  Good and bad.  Even at my age I have formed new habits.  If you do something over and over, you will keep on doing it that way.  Unless you force yourself to do it a different way.  I'm forcing myself to do multiple things different since I've moved.  Loading the dishwasher on the right instead of the left.  Etc.  Light switch locations.  Force yourself to form a new Good habit at least once a month.  You're not too old to do it.

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