Thursday, December 20, 2018

We have soil.  We have water.  We have light.  We have grass.  All we need is prime rib on the hoof.  The world that God has created, made, and let flourish is ready for animals to live there again.  But this time, the animals are different.

"Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life."  Genesis 1:20 For the first time, life is mentioned.  And this life is in the water.  It's been there all along.  But now, the conditions on earth are right for this life to flourish.  Abundantly flourish.  "...and fowl that may fly above the earth..."  If you are a theorist, (which I am not) this is the verse for you.

You can make this verse seem as though birds came out of the water.  I think it is simply a continuation of the flourishing on earth.  Birds were allowed at this point to find better refuge in the air.  Some were probably still living from the beginning--fish eating birds?  Now they were nesting in the newly growing trees.  Pecking at seeds on the ground.  Within the species of "birds," they were naturally selecting traits suited to this new environment.

God is now ready for his second creative work.  It has taken 21 verses in Genesis to get here.  The animals that appear at this point are totally different.  They produce milk for their young.  "And God created great whales, (a mammal) and every living creature that moves which the waters brought fourth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind."

Each of these animals had a "Kind."  They are all different.  One did not evolve from the other.  There is a Gap between them and dinosaurs.  Science has never answered how so many different "Kinds" of animals appeared on earth suddenly--seemingly all at once.  Evolution theory can't explain it because there is nothing in strata to support the change from dinosaurs to these new creatures--except for fish and fish eating birds--which were here all along.  And that is the reason the theorist says we evolved from fish.  They can't find an explanation.  What the Bible says next is interesting.

"Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle and creeping things and beast of the earth after his kind."  As I said at the beginning, prime rib on the hoof.  Every thing is ready for the third creation mentioned in the Bible.  Man.  Different from the other creatures.    (Continued.)

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