Monday, December 17, 2018

You may be asking, why does this stuff in Genesis matter so much to me?  The answer is: Because the schools are teaching our children that one thing evolved into another thing into another thing.....and so on and on.  And that God had nothing to do with it.  That the Bible isn't true.  Note, that I said "evolution theorist," not evolution.

The word "evolution" simply means change.  Change does occur within a species.  Bird's beaks, over time, will lengthen or shorten depending on the food source available.  That is change within a species.  We humans are losing our wisdom teeth because we no longer need them to gnaw bones.  There will always be natural selection within a given species as their environment changes.  But one species does not evolve into another species.  The evolution theorist has tried to prove that we all, all species, evolved from one cell.  That those first cells produced everything alive on earth.  This defies the rules of physics.  Theorists depend on fossils in strata.  Which they haven't connected.  And one really big problem is between Dinosaurs and mammals, because there isn't a connection.  There is a GAP.  Nothing is in strata. The theorist hasn't connected anything, anywhere.  It is theory alone.

The evolution theorist says that Genesis is a myth.  That God doesn't exist.  So for me, it is critical to show that the sequence in Genesis is exactly true scientifically.  The Bible isn't a science book.  but it is perfectly in line with proven scientific facts in the order they occurred.  But you have to read it scientifically.  And for too long, we have glossed over it without looking at what it really says, and   why that is important.  It introduces events in a sequence...a perfect scientific sequence.

I don't want young people to be challenged about the Bible.  If Genesis isn't true, what can we say about the truth of the rest of the Bible.  I want to arm young people with truth concerning what the first chapter of Genesis actually says.  I want parents to be able to intelligently defend the faith.  I want parents to know how to discuss creation as described in the Bible with confidence.

You can't defend something you can't understand.  And I am furious when science discredits the Biblical account.  It is an orderly, scientifically accurate account written by people who had no knowledge of science.  Yet, they got it exactly right.  In the exact order in which things had to happen.  That in itself is a miracle.  "In the beginning.......God."  Period.                 (Continued)

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