Thursday, June 6, 2024

And Turmeric.  Flax and turmeric.  Those are my two new things I am doing.  I’ve been reading a book on the studies of medical group’s trials and those two “spices” are every study’s top choices.  Will they help me?  Who knows.  But I am not going to know unless I try.  
One study said that people with rheumatoid arthritis all were better off using Turmeric than the leading prescribed drug of choice.  Maybe the stuff God makes has been made for our good?  And no...I’m not a health food nut.  I’ve just lost my appetite, and am looking for something to boost it.

Kathy and Kim and Carolyn came from Pryor for my birthday, and brought food with them that was delicious.  I think that’s what I am wanting to eat.  I just will have to have more than one birthday a year for that to happen.  Carolyn brought pecans.  Kathy cooked.  Kim brought Darjeeling tea to last me for months.  I am blessed to have such wonderful friends.



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