Friday, June 7, 2024

On Fridays, I go to lunch with my cousin Ann--Ann East.  Her mom, my mother’s sister was a fifth grade teacher in Pryor.  Ruby East.  Having her here in Edmond is one reason I moved here.  We grew up together and having someone who remembers the things you remember is a comfort!!  Carolyn Brown and I were friends in the ninth grade...she was a year behind me.  So I have two people who “remember.”
Ann and I go eat breakfast, garage sale.  It’s something to look forward to.
I’ve been on a Cheetos binge.  I bet they aren’t good for me, but they have a lot of calories, and I’ve been trying to gain weight for a year.  I’m stuck at skinny and nothing seems to stick to me.  Everyone is trying to lose weight but me.  And back when I was thirty pounds heavier, it was hard to lose weight.  Now, I can’t put it on.  Anyway, the upside is that I can eat all the Cheetos that I want.  I don’t like the taste of sugar, so sweets aren’t tempting.  Everyone says that’s a blessing.  Maybe it is if you are on a diet--which I am not.  So Cheetos are going to make some money off me for a whilt.

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