Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Sunday, my lesson was on some Old Testament story about when the Israelites had been in wandering around for months after Moses led them out of Egypt.  It was all about places.  So I did that in three minutes--then told them to turn to the book of James and we spent the rest of the hour talking about people who wrote what we read and call the “New Testament.”

If you don’t know who is writing the letters in the New Testament, you won’t completely understand why they say the things they do--and how they tell the things they tell.  Paul wrote in most part to the Gentiles.  James wrote to the Jews.

I call James letter the book of “ifs.”  Every thing he writes is conditional.  Black and white.  If this....then, that.  If-then statements.  I had them circle all of the “ifs” as we read them.  And we only got half way through. I’ll finish it up next Sunday.

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