Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Day two...here I go!  They will give me a new assignment today.  I told them that I couldn’t do second grade or younger.  God didn’t give me those skills!!!

Brady had to go home to a soccer game, he will be back tomorrow.  He sat and talked to me nonstop yesterday for four hours. Interesting stuff.  He has grown 6 inches since last year--twelve years old and just shy of six feet.  Tate is in the third grade and looks exactly like Ken’s pictures at that age.  And so cute.

Two more days after this and I’ll start gearing up for next  year.

My oldest grandchild is 40 and then there is Tate who is nine.  And then there are eleven great-grandchildren.  The Bible says, “Blessed is the man (woman) whose quiver is full of arrows.  If so, I am fully quivered!!

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