Wednesday, June 5, 2024

I am adding something to my diet.  Flax.  It is supposed to be a wonder “seed.”  When I make chicken salad, I add a couple of tablespoons of flax seed to the mix, along with the cranberries and pecans.  I’m making an effort to eat healthy--which I have never done.  
Carolyn keeps me in pecans.  She has a pecan tree in her back  yard that is a “super-producer.”  When she gets to the point that her freezer is running out of space for more stuff, she sends me pecans.  And she also adds me to her   “Reader’s Digest subscription.  And I add her to my  “Time” subscription.  But both of us are fed up with Time.  “Time” has started listing  people who are famous for “something or other” in the last half of the mag and neither of us care about that. Boring!!!  So I am going to have to find another mag to send her.  I took “Smithsonian” last year, but I’m not going to do that again either.  Maybe we are just growing tired of the “same old stuff.”  If you live to be into your 80’s like both of us have done, you want to read books and mags that are uplifting.  Like Bugs Bunny.  Or Wonder Woman.  Reader’s Digest still makes the list.

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