Friday, June 28, 2024

 Fridays are stressing.  I am out of the house at eight A.M.  and not home till twelve thirty.  Today I stopped and got a hamburger and fries and when I finished it, I then proceeded to spill a bottle of thick, gooey chocolate Boost all over me and the recliner.   I didn’t get it on the carpet was the only bright spot.

By the time I cleaned the mess up, it was 1:30 and I hadn’t even read the paper or done the crossword.  Much less post.

I don’t have anything wonderful to say, except that the banquet last night left me disgusted with myself.  I couldn’t remember names of people that I should remember.  One lady talked to me about how much she enjoyed the choir with me and loved hearing my marimba.  I don’t remember her at all. Another said she enjoyed working Bible school with me--then introduced me to her husband.  I couldn’t even remember where she worked until the conversation was over. I came home feeling like a dumbo.  Does anyone out there do this???  Names are getting harder.  And it is so insulting to the other person when you don’t remember their name.  I’m going to try to do better.

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