And then Paul gives the reason that women should behave in the manner he has prescribed: I Tim. 2: 13-15 "For Adam was first formed then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety."
I read this passage, went to my bookshelf and read six translations and two commentaries, and could not find any clue as to what Paul meant. I told you that scripture must agree with all other scripture. So I reviewed what I know about the creation of Eve. Adam was created first. True. Then Eve. True. And Adam was not deceived. True. He knew what he was doing. But before Eve was formed, God gave one commandment to Adam. Gen.2: 17 "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shalt not eat of it…" Eve wasn't even there yet. Maybe God told her later about the rule. It doesn't say. (There is some overlap here with a passage in Gen. 1:29.)
Then Paul tells Timothy that the woman was deceived and was in the transgression. Eve was deceived. Adam disobeyed. Why was she in transgression and not Adam? Or is that implied?
But finally we get to the "Notwithstanding". She shall be saved in childbearing. If…they continue in faith, charity, holiness, and sobriety. I have no idea what the cultural meaning of this passage is. What I do know is that after having five children, I'm glad I was saved by faith in Christ.
I also know that Paul said in Romans 5: 12 "…as by one man sin entered into the world…" and continues the chapter discussing how sin came by this one man. In other letters Paul says the same thing. Eve certainly wasn't innocent. But God had put Adam in charge and he deliberately disobeyed.
Don't forget that I told you that the serpent was pretty. It didn't get cursed and turned into a snake until after Adam and Eve had eaten the fruit. Eve succumbed to "Pretty". Things haven't changed much.
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