Sunday, March 3, 2013

Genesis, Amos, what next?  Well, I am teaching Timothy one and two right now and every Sunday when I get home from my class, I think of all the things I wish I could have covered. And things I didn't know.   I find that I am still "growing up" with God's word.  When you read it again, you always see something new.

Timothy 1:1  "Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of God our Savior, and Lord Jesus Christ, which is our hope."

"Paul".  Who else in the New Testament gives us such insightful information on getting from point A to point B in our Christian growth?  In my opinion he is the scholar of the Word of God.  His vocabulary, his education in Jewish Law, his study at the feet of Gamaliel, his confidence in Biblical truth…I could go on and on.  Even though the entire Bible is inspired by God, each writer has their own style, their own background and experience.  Paul shines.  He is the ultimate writer that we have to teach us the gospel.

"An apostle".  Paul introduced himself in almost all of his letters this way.  I personally think this was because he wanted everyone to know that he was equal in calling to the eleven apostles and that his words should hold equal validity.  Perhaps he considered himself the twelfth, the anointed replacement for Judas.  We can't be sure, but  he further emphasizes that this title is given " the commandment of God."

He uses the total gamut of  authenticity to stamp his title with approval. "…of God our Savior, and the Lord Jesus Christ, which is our hope."

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