I Tim. 6 12 "Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto you are also called, and have professed a good profession before many witnesses."
Fight the good fight of faith. There are two ways to take this. One, fight to hold on to your faith. Or two, because you are full of faith, you are going to have a fight on your hands with the world. Of course, I think the second point is the right one.
The reason is because the Bible is a book about sin. And God's solution for sinful people. It is very explicit in describing exactly what sin is. You start with the ten commandments and the Jewish laws that gave us a million (well maybe not a million) laws explaining exactly what the ten commandments really meant. Our nature is to try and get around the law. Find the loopholes. We want to break laws because, well, we are sinful. God says that it's our nature. And then Paul describes in detail what certain sins are.
In I Cor. 3: 1 Paul calls us carnal. We are. There is no question about that. But the reason it is a "good fight of faith," is because although the Bible is true, the world doesn't what to hear about it. I understand that Canada has passed a law that says that you can't verbally say that homosexuality is wrong because it is a hate crime. The Bible speaks to that subject as well as many other subjects. If the same legal argument is used, I guess murder is next. You wouldn't be able to say that murder was wrong because it would be hateful and incite the murderer? Or child molestation? Or theft. Or any other subject the Bible discusses. Which means that the words in the Bible might incite hate? Mercy. We already know that. Now that is what Paul meant when he said the fight of faith. The world doesn't understand how God can hate what the Bible calls sin, but love the sinner.
But when you admit you are a sinner, then the only place to go is to God. And what you want is mercy. And that's where Christ comes in. He died for your sin. Christians love their brothers as themselves. Love overcomes everything.
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