Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I am taking the liberty to skip some of the verses.  You may want to read along in the text to put everything in context.  In verse seven, Paul restates that he is an apostle to the Gentiles.

       In Tim. 2:8-12 are some of the most controversial verses in the Bible.  Please read them, I don't have room to print them here.  Paul gives a number of rules or suggestions for conduct in the church.
1.  Men should pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands
3.  Women should dress modestly.  Be Shamefaced with sobriety.
4.  Women should not braid their hair.
5.  Women should not wear gold or pearls or 'finery'.  Their clothes should not be costly.
6.  Women should adorn themselves with good works.
7.  Women should be silent and subjective.
8.  Women should not teach.
9.  Women should not usurp authority over a man.
10. Women should be silent.  (This is the second time Paul has said this.)

What can I say.  One small step for man.  Nine giant steps for womankind.  Obviously we don't believe that men have to pray all the time in every place they go.  We also don't believe that every time they pray that they must lift their hands.  However, these are certainly Godly things for men to do.

Then why do many people think the following points concerning women are law.  There might be some agreement that we can braid our hair, wear pearls, gold, or our best clothes.  There is surely agreement that we should do good works.

But be shamefaced, silent, subjective, not teach, etc.  We have to have agreement that the Bible is true.  But we also must have agreement that different times and different cultures have different expectations for women.  More about this tomorrow.

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