Tuesday, May 5, 2015

All this work on the new house has totally messed up my gardening.  My daughter called to say that the morel mushrooms were ready to be picked and I didn't even make it to her house.   Last year, we went down to the back of her farm where there were trees that had fallen and decayed.  That's where the morels grow.  I got so many ticks that the doc had to dig them out of my arms.  The next time I go picking morels, I'll use Deet!

I keep thinking I will dig up the asparagus plants and transplant them, but I'm not strong enough to dig deep enough to get them.  It seems a shame since you can't pick the spears until the third year.  I hate to have to start all over again.  My plants are at least six years old and producing prolifically.

I don't know why I care about asparagus anyway.  I gave it all away last year.  Didn't eat a bite of it.  And so far, I have given it away this year as well.  I keep meaning to eat some, but I don't.  The morels are another thing altogether.  They only come up for a week to ten days and then they are gone.  They are so delicious.  Next year...

I've been teaching my class from the book of Genesis.  We got to chapter three where God asks Adam  three questions.  "Where are you."  "Who told you you were naked?"  and "Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you that you should not eat?"  To which Adam replied, "The woman that you gave to be with me, she gave me the fruit of the tree, and I ate it."  In other words, it was Eve's fault.  But primarily Adam was saying that it was God's fault because God gave the woman to him.

Put the blame on someone else.  Take no responsibility for what you have done.  As a result, you don't need to repent because what you did was someone else's fault.  And without repentance--true "I won't do that again" repentance--there can be no forgiveness.  The best way to live a life before God is to come clean about everything.  Every thing.  God knows anyway.  Isaiah said that God won't hear you when you pray if you have dirt on your soul.  I want to be sure God hears me.

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